Who to Follow on Twitter? Here are the Best Marketing Accounts to Follow

by | Digital Marketing

Twitter is one of the most popular social media websites in the world. With more than 320 million active users per month, you can always find experts in about any topic you can imagine.

However, the question is: Who to follow on Twitter? Well, it depends on what your interests and purposes are on Twitter.

My interests are digital marketing, web design, and sports. Primarily, I use Twitter for several things:

Share industry news

This is what I use Twitter for the most. I share both my content and other people’s about the topics I’m interested in. I suggest you also share not only your content, but also other content that is not yours.

You can really put your followers off by only sharing your content. Additionally, when you share other people’s content, you build relationship with other experts because they appreciate what you do for them.

Learn new things

Another thing I like to do is to learn new things about marketing. I use Twitter search feature to search for content and accounts that talk about the topics I want to learn.

Simply put a keyword on Twitter’s search bar at the top and you will get all kinds of content about a particular topic.

Twitter marketing


Curate content by using lists

Twitter has a feature called “Twitter Lists” that you can use to group similar accounts in one topic. Then, you can visit that list to find high-quality curated content from the experts that are on your list.

I use Twitter lists to keep track of all the leaders in my industry, get access to high-quality, personalized content, and find inspiration for my own content.

Twitter marketing lists

Interact with other people

Sometimes I use Twitter to interact with other people from all over the world. For example, when Safari browser didn’t work on my iPhone, I searched Twitter about the topic and asked one iPhone user from the other side of the world.

He tweeted me back within minutes and told me how to fix it. I also use Twitter to provide customer service and answer questions from other people.

Additionally, I have also secured backlink opportunities as a result of my interaction with other people on Twitter.

Market my business and get leads

I also use Twitter to get leads and market my business, however, you must not do this blatantly. The best way to get leads for your business is to share high-quality content and drive the traffic to a landing page where they can download your content by entering their name and email.

If you plan to use Twitter for the above reasons, there is good news. I have collected some of the best marketing people and companies on Twitter and explain why you should follow them too.

Best Marketing People to Follow on Twitter

Jeff Bullas Twitter marketing

1. Jeff Bullas – @jeffbullas

Jeff Bullas is definitely one of the top marketing people to follow on Twitter. His work has been featured on some of the biggest publications like Forbes, The NY Times, Entrepreneur.com, The Huffington Post, and more.

Ultimately, you can always learn something new about digital marketing by following Jeff.

Twitter Marketing to follow

2. Neil Patel – @neilpatel

The first time I heard about Neil Patel was several years ago from a website called Quicksprout. It was a membership website that taught about digital marketing in video format. I was blown away by the content he produced for that project.

Several years later, he still produces awesome content and share them regularly on Twitter.

Brian Dean backlinko Twitter

3. Brian Dean – @backlinko

I also heard about Brian Dean from Quicksprout. He was the voice of the marketing videos that were posted. You can tell Brian is an expert by the way he writes his blog at Backlinko. His specialty is Search Engine Optimization tips and tricks.

Brian Dean is definitely one of the most influential people in SEO industry today .

Who to follow on Twitter

4. Kim Garst – @kimgarst

Kim Garst is a Forbes Top 10 Social Media Influencer who is really good at social media marketing. Her knowledge about Facebook marketing is top-notch and judging by her 540K+ Twitter followers, you can be sure she shares great content on her accounts.

Kim also writes on her blog about marketing strategies that work.

Follow Danny Sullivan on Twitter

5. Danny Sullivan – @dannysullivan

Danny Sullivan knows a lot about SEO. He is the founding editor of Marketing Land and Search Engine Land, among other things. Danny has been writing about the Internet and search marketing for over 20 years.

In addition to being an SEO expert, Danny is also good at social media marketing.

Marketing people to follow on Twitter

6. Gary Vaynerchuck – @garyvee

Gary is a serial entrepreneur with many projects and businesses. One of the most well-known stories about Gary Vaynerchuck is the story about his wine website that helped his family’s business from making $4 million to making $60 million in sales.

He also owns VaynerMedia, which is a digital agency that caters to Fortune 500 companies.

Follow marketers on Twitter

7. Ann Handley- @marketingprofs

Ann Handley is the head content of MarketingProfs.com, which is a website that provides a wide range of digital marketing education and training for professionals. She is also a writer of 2 best-selling books about creating great content for your business.

Ann Handley is one of the best content marketers that you should follow on Twitter.

Darren Rowse is who to follow on Twitter

8. Darren Rowse – @problogger

Darren Rowse is the man behind Problogger.com, which is a blog that shares the best tips for those who want to be a full-time blogger. He has been a professional blogger since 2004, so he knows a lot about Internet and digital marketing.

You should follow Darren on Twitter and read his blog if you want to be a better blogger.

Ryan Deiss on Twitter

9. Ryan Deiss – @ryandeiss

Ryan Deiss is the founder of Digital Marketer, another awesome blog about digital marketing. Their mission is to double the size of 10,000 businesses in the next 5 years. A great goal to achieve as a digital marketer.

Ryan and his team are constantly giving away high-quality downloads for their readers.

Marketers to follow on Twitter

10. Pat Flynn – @patflynn

I’ve been reading Pat’s blog, Smart Passive Income, for years now. Pat is THE expert when it comes to creating online passive income. He is one of the most honest guys in the Internet marketing world as he regularly posts his online income reports.

Pat is definitely one of the best marketing people to follow on Twitter.

Marketers on Twitter to follow

11. Rand Fishkin – @randfish

Rand Fishkin is the founder of MOZ, a software giant in Digital Marketing industry. His motto is: Best way to sell something – don’t sell anything. Earn the awareness, respect, & trust of those who might buy.

Rand’s content is always top-notch and one of the few that I consume regularly.

Twitter Marketing to follow

12. Pam Dyer – @pamdyer

Pam Dyer helps businesses optimize their brands, create engagement, and drive sales using digital marketing techniques. She is also a Top 20 Women Social Media Power Influencers and Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers.

Learn more about social media marketing on Pam’s blog.

Follow Jason Falls on Twitter

13. Jason Falls – @jasonfalls

Jason Falls’ Twitter account is followed by most social media influencers, so that alone tells you something. He is a digital strategist, keynote speaker, and thought leader in digital marketing industry.

Jason also offers consulting service to clients at his website.

Follow marketers on Twitter

14. Dharmesh Shah – @dharmesh

Dharmesh is an absolute celebrity in digital and inbound marketing world. He is the co-founder of HubSpot, one of the biggest companies in Internet marketing. His blog, OnStartups, provides advice and insights for entrepreneurs.

Dharmesh is a writer and a speaker. You can find more info about him on his site.

Twitter Marketing To Follow

15. Larry Kim – @larrykim

Larry Kim is the founder of MobileMonkey, a provider of chatbot building software for marketers. MobileMonkey also provides agencies with a powerful platform for managing chatbots across many customers. Consequently, Larry knows a lot about SEO and Internet marketing and he likes to share his knowledge.

He has written for Inc, Search Engine Watch, and other big marketing websites.

Follow marketers like Chris Brogan on Twitter

16. Chris Brogan – @chrisbrogan

Chris Brogan is a New York Times best seller and a business advisor. He is the CEO of Owner Media Group, which is a site dedicated to teaching the skills you need to grow your business. He works with the biggest brands in the world like Coke, Disney, and more.

Furthermore, Chris has also appeared on talk shows like the Dr. Phil Show.

Business gurus on Twitter

17. Sandi Krakowski – @sandikrakowski

Sandi Krakowski is a millionaire entrepreneur and strategy coach for business owners. She is a Top 10 Forbes social media marketer with +2 million subscribers in her newsletter. Her tweets are informational and inspiring at the same time.

Sandi’s blog is full of information on how to build a six-figure business.

Follow Guy Kawasaki on Twitter

18. Guy Kawasaki – @guykawasaki

Guy Kawasaki is the Chief Evangelist of Canva, an online graphic design tool that I use every day. Additionally, Guy also invests and advises the biggest online brands like Evernote, Paper.li, and uStream. He is one of the brightest business minds to follow on Twitter

You can learn more about his books and other projects on Guy’s website.

Follow Joe Pulizzi on Twitter

19. Joe Pulizzi – @joepulizzi

Joe Pulizzi is a speaker, author, and content marketing expert. He is the founder of Content Marketing Institute, which is a great resource for those who want to learn more about content marketing. The site is full of how-to guides, experts advice, and more.

Browse the articles on CMI and you’ll learn a lot about content marketing.

Twitter marketers to follow

20. Neal Schaffer – @nealschaffer

Neal Schaffer’s goal is simple: He wants to help businesses increase their ROI using social media. Additionally, Neal is also an author, influencer, and a speaker in social media marketing industry. He’s widely recognized as the top social media and sales experts.

Learn more about Neal’s book and consulting service by visiting his website.

Best Marketing Companies or Brand to Follow on Twitter

Follow Hubspot marketing on Twitter

1. HubSpot – @hubspot

HubSpot is one of the best companies when it comes to inbound marketing. The term “inbound marketing” is believed to be invented by Brian Halligan, one of the founders of the company.

HubSpot blog is definitely full of great content to read if you’re a sales and marketing fan.

Follow Social Media Today

2. Social Media Today – @socialmedia2day

Social Media Today is also one of the better marketing accounts on Twitter to follow. They publish social media insights, best practices, tips, and tricks from the best experts in the world.

Follow and read more of their content on their website.

Marketing accounts on Twitter

3. Search Engine Journal – @sejournal

Search Engine Journal has been publishing high-quality content about SEO and marketing since 2003. They focus on the latest news, best guides, and how-to’s for Internet marketing professionals.

SEJ’s Twitter account is also full of information. This is the one that I don’t want to miss.

Hootsuite on Twitter

4. Hootsuite – @hootsuite

Hootsuite is a web-based platform to manage social media accounts from one place. The tool is very useful to boost your productivity, monitor mentions, improve engagements, and more. Their Twitter account is full of social media news and tips.

Try using Hootsuite to manage your social media for free if you haven’t already.

Follow salesforce marketing account

5. Sales Force – @salesforce

Salesforce.com is giant in SaaS (software as a service) industry. It provides Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and sales solutions that allows businesses to connect with customers in a whole new way.

Salesforce also shares amazing sales and marketing content on their Twitter account.

Kissmetrics Marketing

6. Kissmetrics – @kissmetrics

Kissmetrics is a web analytics software that allows you to increase your website’s conversion rate. The software allows you to visualize how users interact with your website or mobile apps in every step of your funnel.

Additionally, Kissmetrics is actively sharing digital marketing content on Twitter.

Marketing company to follow

7. Marketo – @marketo

Marketo provides customer relationship platform that empowers business owners to grow revenue and create long lasting relationship with customers. With Marketo, you can personalize your marketing campaign to increase conversion and sales.

Marketo’s Twitter account shares a wide range of digital marketing content.

Twitter accounts to follow

8. Marketing Land – @marketingland

Marketing Land is a daily publication that is for marketers and from marketers. They are the go-to resource for everything digital marketing. Their content contributors are subject matter experts in wide range of marketing disciplines.

Following Marketing Land on Twitter will fill your timeline with great content.

Who to follow about marketing

9. Content Marketing Institute – @cmicontent

As you learn from earlier in this article, Content Marketing Institute was founded by Joe Pulizzi, a well-known content marketing expert. CMI is definitely one of the places I go to when I want to learn about content marketing.

CMI Twitter account definitely lives up to expectation in terms of sharing quality content.

Who to follow about marketing

10. Ad Age – @adage

Ad Age is a leading resource of global news and marketing tips. Their data-driven marketing is very well presented along with breaking news in digital and social media world. This combination makes Ad Age Twitter account very interesting to follow.

Finally, how to learn marketing and not get bored? Follow Ad Age Twitter account.


Twitter has become one of the biggest players in social media industry today. As a result, professionals and business owners understand the fact that Twitter could help them expand their reach.

Like on most social media websites, selling on Twitter cannot be done blatantly. However, if done right, Twitter could provide you with endless supply of leads.

The list of marketing experts and companies to follow on Twitter is always going to be updated. Please feel free to let us know on Twitter if you would like to be included in the list.

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