How to Use Twitter Effectively For Your Business

With social media and content marketing usage on the rise, learning how to use Twitter effectively is very important for business owners if they want to compete in today’s business world.

According to Smart Insights, almost 30% of digital marketing techniques involve social media and content marketing. This means big companies are creating high-quality content and using social media to share their content to the public.

You, as a professional or a business owner, must take advantage of this trend to get more leads for your product or service.

Table of Contents

Why Twitter is Important for Your Business


Share Industry News


Curate Content by Using Lists


Interact with Other People


Learn New Things


Market Your Business the Right Way


Monitor Your Keywords


Get Leads for Your Business


The Key to Successfully Use Twitter for Business

Why Twitter is Important for Your Business

Twitter is one of the most commonly used social media websites in the world. With 328 million active monthly users, Twitter has grown to become a big player that you cannot ignore. A lot of our dentist clients are ramping up their Twitter game.

More than 80% of Fortune 500 Companies have active Twitter profiles. That tells you the importance of having a Twitter account for your business.

Most business owners and professionals I come in contact with do not have any idea how to use Twitter to expand their reach and get consistent leads for their business.

Additionally, they are too busy running their business and delivering services to clients.

Having said that, in this article I will explain how you can use Twitter effectively to get more connections and eventually more business using Twitter.

1. Share Industry News

This is the easiest way for a beginner business owner to use Twitter. Twitter should play a big part in your content marketing strategy.

You see, Twitter is a great tool to reach more people and convince them to business with you using content marketing.

In addition to sharing your own content, you must also share related content from other authors and websites. If you do this consistently, you will build relationships with experts in your industry who have big followers.

When they return the favor and share your content, they can bring a lot of traffic to your website.

You can easily automate the process of sharing high-quality content on your Twitter account. Here is the step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Go to and create an account. For your information, is a great website that makes your life easier as a digital marketer.

Ifttt stands for If This Then That. What we are trying to do is to automate a formula: If Our Favorite Blog Publishes New Content Then We Share it on Twitter.

Don’t worry if you do not understand right now. Just follow the steps below and you will save a lot of time on Twitter in the long run.

Step 2: After you create an account and log in, click on your profile on the top right and choose “New Applet.”
Use Twitter for Business

Step 3: After you click on “New Applet” you will see a big sentence that says if this then that
use ifttt for Twitter

Step 4: Click on the word “this” and choose RSS Feed from the list.

Step 5: Choose an RSS Feed trigger that says New Feed Item.
Ifttt Twitter

Step 6: Set up 2 or 3 feed URLs of the best websites in your niche. For example, I use Moz, Search Engine Land, and Social Media Examiner feed URLs for my Twitter account.

As a result, every time Moz, Search Engine Land, or Social Media Examiner publishes a new article, I automatically share it to my Twitter followers.

Note: Feed URL is different than a blog or an article URL. The best way to get a website’s feed URL is to look for their subscribe RSS button.

Moz RSS for Twitter

Search Engine Land RSS Twitter

2. Curate Content by Using Lists

Use Twitter lists to group accounts that you find useful. This is a great way to organize the accounts you want to keep close attention to on Twitter.

When you view a list timeline, you are only viewing the tweets from accounts on that list. For example, you can create a “Marketing” list, that includes all the marketing experts you want to keep an eye on. Just add them to your “Marketing” list and you will easily read their updates.

Another common use of list is to monitor on your competitions. Add them to a list called “Competitions” and see what kind of content they share. As a result, you can get ideas on how to share better content than your competitions.

Here is how you create and add accounts to a Twitter list:

Step 1: Go to your Twitter account and click on your profile on top right corner and select “Lists”

Twitter marketing lists

Step 2: Click on “Create new list” and give it a name.

Add a new list

Step 3: Now, your list is live and it is time to add users to it. Here is how you do it: Just go to a Twitter account you want to add and click on the 3 dots settings beside their Follow button.

Step 4: Choose “Add or remove from lists”

Use Twitter for Business

That’s it. From here, you can add a new list name and keep adding accounts to your lists.

Here is a great resource on ideas to use Twitter list.

3. Interact with Other People

Twitter is an awesome way to provide world-class customer service for your brand. I have used Twitter to get customer service and I have to say, their response rate is sometimes faster than an email or a phone support.

Additionally, I use Twitter to interact with other people from all over the world. For example, when Safari browser didn’t work on my iPhone, I searched Twitter about the topic and asked one iPhone user from the other side of the globe.

He tweeted me back within minutes and told me how to fix it. I also use Twitter to answer questions from other people.

I have also secured backlink opportunities as a result of my interaction with other people on Twitter.

4. Learn new things

Another thing I like to do is to learn new things about marketing. I use Twitter search feature to search for content and accounts that talk about the topics I want to learn.

Simply put a keyword on Twitter’s search bar at the top and you’ll get all kinds of content about a particular topic.

Twitter marketing

5. Market Your Business the Right Way

Twitter is a great medium to raise awareness of your brand and develop meaningful relationships with your target audience. However, marketing your business on Twitter must be done the right way.

Your goal is to share informational content on Twitter. One of the most common practices is to share your high-quality article on Twitter and direct the clicks to your blog post.

Here is a good example of sharing your content to get traffic from Twitter:

Effective Twitter business

Here is another example to learn from:

Use Twitter for business

Do you notice what they have in common? They both have an image on their tweets. Make sure you have an attention-grabbing images to go with your content.

The combination of sharing your own high-quality content and the automated content that you set up with is enough to keep your Twitter account fresh all the time.

6. Monitor Your Keywords

Twitter is a very active social media website. At this point, there are around 6,000 tweets are posted each second on Twitter. Consequently, this makes Twitter a search engine in its own right.

There is a free, yet powerful, tool to monitor your keywords on Twitter. It is called: Hootsuite.

Use Hootsuite to monitor your keyword and respond to relevant tweets. For example: I monitor a keyword “I need an aquarium” using Hootsuite.

Immediately, I see 2 relevant tweets I could respond to if I were selling aquarium products:

Use Twitter for business

7. Get Leads for Your Business

Getting leads on Twitter is the last step you should do after you have done all the steps above. Once you complete doing the other things on Twitter, it is time to get leads for your business.

The best way to get leads on Twitter, and any other social media websites, is to share your downloadable content.

Here is a real-life example of how to get leads on Twitter: Piktochart and Hubspot are working together on an eBook about “How to Generate Leads with Infographics.”

Piktochart then sends a tweet to share this eBook:

Use Twitter effectively

When you click on the tweet, you will go to a landing page where they ask you for your name and email address to download the eBook.

The next step is to follow up with these leads that you collect. From here on, you can send them regular email until they unsubscribe to your newsletter.

This method will work for any business who has great downloadable material to share.


Twitter has become a big player in social media industry and you must take advantage of it. With more than 328 million active users, most of them are young demographics, Twitter is a great source of leads for your business.

There are easy-to-follow steps and instructions on how to use Twitter effectively to share your content, build relationship, and eventually generate clients from Twitter.

The key is to consistently show up , set up the right marketing funnels, and be ready to provide great value for other Twitter users.

Related Article: The Best Marketing Accounts to Follow on Twitter